Let's produce our energy locally in a sustainable and recyclable way
Wind Chimney
Stirling Engine
Active Lift Turbine
Nano Trap
Wind Chimney
In the city, the wind is unstable in direction and intensity. To produce energy with a wind turbine is an aberration. The wind chimney produces energy because the buildings are obstacles to the wind.
Stirling Engine
The efficiency of the Stirling Engine in theory is identical to that of the Carnot cycle. In practice, it is far from being the case. Instead of optimizing the existing types of Stirling engines, a new type of Stirling engine has been analyzed and redesigned.
Active Lift Turbine
Considerable sums have been invested to optimize the wind turbines and obtain values close to the Betz limit. While taking the problem back to the base, it is a gain of more than 30% without any optimization.
Nano Trap
Marine biodiversity is endangered by the degradation of plastics into micro and nanoparticles. A solution as old as the world : evaporation. The Nano Trap is not a filter but a purifier..
eXeco association
eXeco's core aspirations are:
Reduce the impact of human activities by producing renewable energy locally with clean technologies;
To make the concept of the wind chimney available to as many people as possible;
To reinvest the distribution of the surpluses to the only profit of the development of the company, by privileging the R and D and the sustainable development.
Bertil Smorgrav
Responsible for the social and solidarity economy
Experience in business management and project management.
Pierre Lecanu
Engineer and inventor
R&D manager.
Lets get in touch and talk about your next project. contact us